目前,全世界研究液態金屬的專業公司位於加州的Liquidmetal Technologies,Apple在2010年8月傳出與該公司簽約,取得液態金屬製作授權和技術(Apple取得新硬體材質技術)。
根據伊利諾大學(University of Illinois)最新的開發報告,液態金屬具有微秒內導電自我癒合的能力。研究團隊利用液態金屬製作微膠囊,若電路下方出現裂縫,在極短的時間內可以回復到99%的導電性。
The engineers place a bunch of 10-micron (0.01mm) microcapsules along the length of a circuit. The microcapsules are full of liquid metal, a gallium-indium alloy, and if the circuit underneath cracks, so do the microcapsules (90% of the time, anyway — the tech isn’t perfect yet!). The liquid metal oozes into the circuit board, restoring up to 99% conductivity, and everything continues as normal. This even works with multi-layer printed circuit boards (PCBs), such the motherboard in your computer, too.